Opening hours

Operating times and taster times of the tents
September 16 - October 03

Deutsche Version English version

Opening hours in Munich - Dates and times of the Oktoberfest

Opening hours at the Oktoberfest
Operating times + Start and end + Oide Wiesn

At what time opens the Beerfestival in Munich? When the tents and rides? When does the beer begin to flow at the Oktoberfest? And at what time will the parties end in the evening? What are the opening and closing times for tents and rides?

The following is an overview of all opening, tidying and operating times at the Theresienwiese in Munich. Supplemented by general information and special features. You can find an overview of the events and appointments under calendar.

Summary Opening times
On the Wiesn you can celebrate from morning till evening. In some tents even into the night. So in two festival-tents (Käfers Wiesnschänke and Kufflers Weinzelt), Munich's party people can look forward to extended opening hours until 1.00 am. But night owls are still do not go to sleep after closing-time at the fairground. Partypeople keep on partying at the Afterwiesnparties in Munich's nighlife...


Beginning and end of the Wiesn

All Oktoberfest-times in the overview
What time is now open on the mainland? From when can you drive a carousel? And how much time in the festivals?

The opening hours at a glance...

Start and end of the Beerfestival
The start is on Saturday, 16.09. at noon
The end of party is on Tuesday, 03.10. at 11.30 pm (ending)

The beer festival is opened every day. There are not rest days.

Official tapping at the opening day
The public festival starts with the "official tapping" (called "Anstich") of the first barrel of beer by Munich's chief mayor and the exclamation "O'zapft is!". This means "the first barrel is tapped, the party can start". At the same time the rides and carousels start at the Octoberfest. So the beerparty is opened!


Operating times at the Beertents

Here the operating times of the "Big Festivalhalls" and the "Smaller Beertents"...

General information
On the opening day (16.09.) the party starts at 12 am (noon)
Opening hours are 10 am - 10.30 pm
Weekends and holidays (03.10.) From 09.00 - 10.30 pm
Opening of the tent on the opening day is also already at 09 am

Daily end of operation
Big festivaltents - music end and end of service in the evening at 10.30 pm
Small beertents - Daily music and the end of service in the evening 11 pm

At the end of the day, all large, smaller and medium-sized catering establishments are unisono closed at 11.30 pm.

Extended opening times
There are some exceptions with night concessions and longer opening-times...
These, however, apply only in the "Käferzelt" and in the "Weinzelt"
The end of the operation is here daily at 1 am
End of the service and music is at 00.30 am


Times of the rides and market stalls
Street stalls and market huts
Opening day (16.09.) 10 am - midnight
Monday - Thursday 10 am - 11.30 pm
Friday 10 am - midnight
Saturday 9 am - midnight
Sunday and holiday 9 am - 23.30 pm
Monday (02.10.) 10 am - midnight

The end of the serving is 30 minutes before operation end

Fun rides and showmen
Opening day (16.09.) noon - midnight
Monday - Thursday 10 am - 11.30 pm
Friday 10 am - midnight
Saturday 10 am - midnight
Sunday and holiday 10 am - 11.30 pm
Monday (02.10.) 10 am - midnight

Note that some showmen open their carousels on weekdays from 12.00 noon. However, the end of all companies is always at midnight.


The nostalgic and historical Area
Opening hours at the Oide Wiesn
9.30 am - Daily checkout (start ticket purchase)
10 am - Entrance to the area and start of the historical festival
9 pm - Last admission to the areal
9.30 pm - Closing time and music ends in the tents
10 pm - end of work and closing of the area

What is the Oide Wiesn?
The "Oide Wiesn Areal" (means "Old Octoberfest") is a small historical and nostalgic area on the fairground at the Theresienwiese. Even if the areal is not really old (first build up in Munich on the "anniversary celebration 2010") "Oid" is Bavarian dialect and means "old-time" or "old fashioned" respectively "old-school".

Read also the information about the planned innovations at the Oide Wiesn...

We reserve the right to make changes, errors and mistakes.
So all published dates and information are always without guarantee.


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Source pictures: The official poster and the map is from the city of Munich (RAW)
Pictures mugs ans steins of the manufacturer, pictures Dirndl of Sportalm Kitzbühel
More pictures and all information are from the Wiesnteam and the respective partner

Magazine to the Munich Oktoberfest - News, tips, service and information
Dates and times - Beginning and ending - Opening times and operating times
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